To find out more about Janalyn's Bromance novels and stories, and to share other Bromance aspects in fandoms across the board, from comic books to movies.

Friday, September 6, 2013
Hello to my fellow Bromance lovers out there!
I began writing at the age of 12 and little did I know that what I was writing was what would later be termed 'Bromance'. In the 70's we had very few areas to really immerse ourselves into fandoms, especially at that age in the area I lived. I basically cut my teeth on buddy-stories, beginning with a fan-fiction for Emergency! between Roy Desoto and John Gage, my favorite buddy show at the time. And then came Starsky and Hutch (and anyone who knows anything about Starsky and Hutch will know what I'm talking about as far as Bromance. Those two possibly blew the lid off the entire buddy-love area. If you don't know and are interested watch season 1 especially. You'll be hooked as I was. :D)
So, as I wrote, out in the boonies of Oklahoma (yes, I was waaaayyyy outside the area of influence regarding fandoms), I thought I was alone in this love of male bonding stories. Until in 1996 I discovered the Internet and a world of what was known as 'hurt/comfort' stories. I became involved in a fandom called the 'Iolausians' based on the Iolaus character of the 'Hercules: The Legendary Journeys' TV show. My net name became White Raven and history was made, well... at least as far as my getting my writing in gear. :D
Years went on and I got involved with Slash under the name of Heart Quest. Mostly within the Magnificent Seven TV series (Chris and Vin being both the General buddy's of the time and then taken a step further.)
I then resigned from fan-fiction in 2007 in order to pursue original fiction. My stories were centered in the Gay Male arena and then as the years went on, I recently found "Merlin". Disillusioned with the Slash angle of male-bonding, I decided it wasn't for me as a writer and with the onset of watching "Merlin" and having my heart ripped out at the end of that series I chose to head back to my old stomping grounds: Hurt/Comfort/Buddy stories... or as they call it now: "Bromance".
The inspiration that "Merlin" pulled out of me is something I haven't felt in a long time. I have an idea for a space-opera that the Merlin cast inspired and I chose to run with it, using them as models. At least that's how it started out. It's now begun to take on a life of its own and the outline for the first book is completed and it only took a little over a month to get the outline on paper. Obviously, as you can tell, I haven't had this much fun writing in years.
My goal for this book is to release it on Kindle by April of 2014, if not before. I have an editor lined up and just need to find someone to do the cover. I'm working on the second book's outline as of this moment and hope to have the final scene outlined before the end of 2013. This story is meant to be told. It's pouring out of me like I'm dictating from somewhere in the cosmos. As 'spacey' as that sounds, it's the closest I can come to describing the impact it's having on my creativity.
I have a Facebook page with visual aids posted if you are interested in learning more about this story and where I'm heading with it: Janalyn - Bromance to the nth degree.
I make no apologies for male love between straight men. It's out there. There's an audience for it. I'm hitting the ground running. As I said; blame "Merlin".
Please feel free to follow and post questions, share the Bromance fandoms you enjoy and links. I'm always open to receiving new inspirational visual aids in this area. :D
Until next time for another update, take care and happy reading!
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