I'm posting YouTube vids as I've felt led to share my journeys both in spiritual pathworking as well as progress reports for my Bromance stories. I hope you will enjoy and if you feel led, to please subscribe to my channel.
Blessed Be. :D
To find out more about Janalyn's Bromance novels and stories, and to share other Bromance aspects in fandoms across the board, from comic books to movies.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Monday, December 30, 2013
"The Solitary And The Mercenary" Book I is FINISHED!
Greetings, FT's! (Fellow Travelers)
The first volume of my "The Solitary And The Mercenary" story is COMPLETED! I'm giving it a final read-through before sending it onto the beta reader then the editor, then we obtain the cover, then we format it for Amazon's Paperback option as well as Kindle. And with the Paperback option, I will be obtaining the Expanded Distribution, meaning it will hit Europe and the UK as well as, hopefully, a few copies on the Barnes and Noble bookshelves. :D
The final read-through is revealing some minor typos and inconsistencies I need to address as well as clothing descriptions to flesh out, but other than that, the actual story/plot aspect is DONE! I began on July 23, 2013 and ended it on December 29, 2013. 5 months and 6 days of hard work culminating in a book of 34 chapters, a Prologue, an Epilogue and hopefully an entertaining Bromance/Space-Opera story that focuses on the relationships within the plot, not just the plot itself.
One of my pet peeves of many shows is that the writers focus on the mechanics of the plot line rather than how the plot affects the characters of the show. Very rarely will I find a balance of both. Or, even more desirable, an emphasis on the actual relationship vs. plot.
When a plot moves the characters along, you've got a great story. When the characters move the plot along, you've got a ho-hum story. I'm hoping mine is in the first category. :D
Blake and Kylan are the main focus here, brothers in spirit with Blake being the oldest by about 6 years. Kylan is a mage, born within a magical household, growing up with major responsibilities as a young child that matured him far beyond his physical age, so his spirit is calmer, peaceful, compassionate. He had to learn at a young age that just because you have magick, you have to take care in how it affects others. Blake is an orphan who got to know Kylan and his family through Kylan's older brother, Lance (Short for Lancer) when they met in the military academy. Lance and Blake are about the same age, and both adore Kylan and Kylan adores them. No one being at each others throats in this story, well... not much at least. LOL! I'm sort of tired of seeing that happen all the time between brothers. There's no balance there, too much conflict and not enough real honest to goodness bonding. Sometimes you just get tired of the negativity and need some 'warm fuzzies' to get you through the story. Not that my story is full of mushy, but it does have some definite soul-connecting between the three boys and the friends around them. Sometimes you just need to clear the crap away and make room for some solidarity and grounding.
I hope this story will touch your heart as well as entertain and put a smile on your face, maybe cause you to shed a few tears (I'm a sucker for a tear-jerker. Merlin's final episode broke my heart, but in such a bitter-sweet way.)
So, with that being said, lots of things to do still, working on the second book beginning this week, even though I'm already close to 40,000 words into it. I need to really finish it up and move it along to that goal of a July release. :D
Things are happening, I've determined to teach myself Wicca and Science of Mind, to become a true practitioner of the Craft, and will be posting vids to share what I learn. Not to teach... just to share. I'll give you all information on that as it begins. I have had some great insights recently, cleaning out the spirit house and making way for new epiphanies and pathworking. Feel free to join me if these areas of spirituality are possibly something you'd be interested in communicating about. I'm always open to insights from others, as I find myself too narrow in my thinking. I need to expand my horizons. :D Maybe you all can help me with that. So, no teaching, just sharing points of view, insights, a-ha!moments and things like that.
That's all for now. Please subscribe to my blog here or my FB page at: to learn more about the story and this incredible journey. Thank you! :D
The first volume of my "The Solitary And The Mercenary" story is COMPLETED! I'm giving it a final read-through before sending it onto the beta reader then the editor, then we obtain the cover, then we format it for Amazon's Paperback option as well as Kindle. And with the Paperback option, I will be obtaining the Expanded Distribution, meaning it will hit Europe and the UK as well as, hopefully, a few copies on the Barnes and Noble bookshelves. :D
The final read-through is revealing some minor typos and inconsistencies I need to address as well as clothing descriptions to flesh out, but other than that, the actual story/plot aspect is DONE! I began on July 23, 2013 and ended it on December 29, 2013. 5 months and 6 days of hard work culminating in a book of 34 chapters, a Prologue, an Epilogue and hopefully an entertaining Bromance/Space-Opera story that focuses on the relationships within the plot, not just the plot itself.
One of my pet peeves of many shows is that the writers focus on the mechanics of the plot line rather than how the plot affects the characters of the show. Very rarely will I find a balance of both. Or, even more desirable, an emphasis on the actual relationship vs. plot.
When a plot moves the characters along, you've got a great story. When the characters move the plot along, you've got a ho-hum story. I'm hoping mine is in the first category. :D
Blake and Kylan are the main focus here, brothers in spirit with Blake being the oldest by about 6 years. Kylan is a mage, born within a magical household, growing up with major responsibilities as a young child that matured him far beyond his physical age, so his spirit is calmer, peaceful, compassionate. He had to learn at a young age that just because you have magick, you have to take care in how it affects others. Blake is an orphan who got to know Kylan and his family through Kylan's older brother, Lance (Short for Lancer) when they met in the military academy. Lance and Blake are about the same age, and both adore Kylan and Kylan adores them. No one being at each others throats in this story, well... not much at least. LOL! I'm sort of tired of seeing that happen all the time between brothers. There's no balance there, too much conflict and not enough real honest to goodness bonding. Sometimes you just get tired of the negativity and need some 'warm fuzzies' to get you through the story. Not that my story is full of mushy, but it does have some definite soul-connecting between the three boys and the friends around them. Sometimes you just need to clear the crap away and make room for some solidarity and grounding.
I hope this story will touch your heart as well as entertain and put a smile on your face, maybe cause you to shed a few tears (I'm a sucker for a tear-jerker. Merlin's final episode broke my heart, but in such a bitter-sweet way.)
So, with that being said, lots of things to do still, working on the second book beginning this week, even though I'm already close to 40,000 words into it. I need to really finish it up and move it along to that goal of a July release. :D
Things are happening, I've determined to teach myself Wicca and Science of Mind, to become a true practitioner of the Craft, and will be posting vids to share what I learn. Not to teach... just to share. I'll give you all information on that as it begins. I have had some great insights recently, cleaning out the spirit house and making way for new epiphanies and pathworking. Feel free to join me if these areas of spirituality are possibly something you'd be interested in communicating about. I'm always open to insights from others, as I find myself too narrow in my thinking. I need to expand my horizons. :D Maybe you all can help me with that. So, no teaching, just sharing points of view, insights, a-ha!moments and things like that.
That's all for now. Please subscribe to my blog here or my FB page at: to learn more about the story and this incredible journey. Thank you! :D
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Picture above of Sam and Dean
Yeah, so though this didn't actually happen in the finale' ep of Season 8 for "Supernatural", grateful, so very grateful, for the hug. And for the boys burying their past wounds... in a church. In a sense vowing to each other to stand by each other... in a church. And Dean wrapping Sam's wounded hand (left hand, btw) as a form, symbol of handfasting their renewal of brotherhood... in a church.
Need I say more? Not homoerotic, but definitely symbolic of something deeper than mere brothers standing by each other. These guys have been through hell and death together, fought side-by-side and managed to emerge stronger - together - than they ever would be if separated.
Such a bromance in every sense of the word. That scene was powerful and gut-wrenching and Sammy's pain of soul as well as body was the ONLY thing Dean had on his mind, the ONLY thing Dean was focused on. Saving his little brother's heart, soul and body. What could have been better for us than that? Honestly, nothing. So though this portrayal above is a beautiful touch, and though it didn't happen on the show, in a sense it did happen on a soul-level. And that's all that matters to me.
Welcome back, boys. Time to be brothers again.
Need I say more? Not homoerotic, but definitely symbolic of something deeper than mere brothers standing by each other. These guys have been through hell and death together, fought side-by-side and managed to emerge stronger - together - than they ever would be if separated.
Such a bromance in every sense of the word. That scene was powerful and gut-wrenching and Sammy's pain of soul as well as body was the ONLY thing Dean had on his mind, the ONLY thing Dean was focused on. Saving his little brother's heart, soul and body. What could have been better for us than that? Honestly, nothing. So though this portrayal above is a beautiful touch, and though it didn't happen on the show, in a sense it did happen on a soul-level. And that's all that matters to me.
Welcome back, boys. Time to be brothers again.
Novel Update And Other Projects On The Fire
Have moved on this novel "The Solitary And The Mercenary". National Novel Writer's Month, I was able to do over 86,000 words, going deep into the second book of this dual volume story. I have now concluded where in the first book to form a breaking-off point and we are looking at approximately 145-150,000 words for that volume. I'm coming up with more and more ideas for the second book. And when that one is finished, a third one may find its way to my inspirational mode. However, if there is a third book it will take place months after the second book ends.
On a spiritual note, it appears that finances and circumstances will not allow me to take classes in order to get my Science of Mind ministerial credential. Until royalties from the book roll in, that is a vision that will be placed on the back burner for now. Not cancelled, just postponed. :D I'm looking at four years of training and possibly 5,000 dollars total for the classes. I just do not have that kind of time, let alone money. In the meantime, though, I have contended myself with continuing my studies in Wicca/Witchcraft either on a solitary practitioner level, or with a group of you tube vids at my disposal for learning and insight. I've also determined I will teach myself Science of Mind as I have the books and some lesson plans available to implement on my own in between writing and studying magick.
All is well.
The last CT scan I had was over a week ago and so far the oncologist has not pulled me in or sent me bad news. So... the no-news-is-good-news thing is in play and I'm riding it for all it's worth. :D
I have plans, my friends. Plenty to keep me busy and I will share more as we get closer to the publication of the books. I hope to upload videos to YouTube as well once I get myself a bit more presentable. I have to cut my hair and determine a look for me that I feel comfortable with on camera. Yes, okay, in that respect I may fall into a bit of a vanity scenario, but let me tell you if I didn't consider it, I'd scare people off. This face and no make up? Uh... no. Not gonna happen. LOL!
I have been losing some weight with the Paleo/no carb diet, but not as quickly as I'd like it to happen considering I've been on it for a month. Still, it is happening so I can't complain too, too much. :D
In the meantime... writing, studying and applying what I'm learning... this is my life. Once the book is published I will hopefully be able to put together a Publishing Party on Facebook. If you're into Bromance or know others who are, then this party may just be something you'll be interested in. I'll give more details as we move along.
I also will be putting together a website for pictures, videos, updates on the book, excerpts, cover art and things all dealing with my Bromance stories, as well as many other things that inspire the Bromance aspect of entertainment. I'm excited. I've already put together a FAQ sheet and an 'About The Author' snippet for some of the pages for the website. I've also put together a Bromance store on Zazzle for lovers of Bromance. No art as yet, but that's coming. Some of the buttons and things have quotes from my story. You can find it here: Proceeds from products sold on this store will be applied to the purchase of Book 2's cover as well as other artwork to create more nifty items such as more mugs and tee-shirts. Thanks for taking the time to check out the store and this blog! Hope to see you in the Bromance Universe!
Janalyn Robnett
On a spiritual note, it appears that finances and circumstances will not allow me to take classes in order to get my Science of Mind ministerial credential. Until royalties from the book roll in, that is a vision that will be placed on the back burner for now. Not cancelled, just postponed. :D I'm looking at four years of training and possibly 5,000 dollars total for the classes. I just do not have that kind of time, let alone money. In the meantime, though, I have contended myself with continuing my studies in Wicca/Witchcraft either on a solitary practitioner level, or with a group of you tube vids at my disposal for learning and insight. I've also determined I will teach myself Science of Mind as I have the books and some lesson plans available to implement on my own in between writing and studying magick.
All is well.
The last CT scan I had was over a week ago and so far the oncologist has not pulled me in or sent me bad news. So... the no-news-is-good-news thing is in play and I'm riding it for all it's worth. :D
I have plans, my friends. Plenty to keep me busy and I will share more as we get closer to the publication of the books. I hope to upload videos to YouTube as well once I get myself a bit more presentable. I have to cut my hair and determine a look for me that I feel comfortable with on camera. Yes, okay, in that respect I may fall into a bit of a vanity scenario, but let me tell you if I didn't consider it, I'd scare people off. This face and no make up? Uh... no. Not gonna happen. LOL!
I have been losing some weight with the Paleo/no carb diet, but not as quickly as I'd like it to happen considering I've been on it for a month. Still, it is happening so I can't complain too, too much. :D
In the meantime... writing, studying and applying what I'm learning... this is my life. Once the book is published I will hopefully be able to put together a Publishing Party on Facebook. If you're into Bromance or know others who are, then this party may just be something you'll be interested in. I'll give more details as we move along.
I also will be putting together a website for pictures, videos, updates on the book, excerpts, cover art and things all dealing with my Bromance stories, as well as many other things that inspire the Bromance aspect of entertainment. I'm excited. I've already put together a FAQ sheet and an 'About The Author' snippet for some of the pages for the website. I've also put together a Bromance store on Zazzle for lovers of Bromance. No art as yet, but that's coming. Some of the buttons and things have quotes from my story. You can find it here: Proceeds from products sold on this store will be applied to the purchase of Book 2's cover as well as other artwork to create more nifty items such as more mugs and tee-shirts. Thanks for taking the time to check out the store and this blog! Hope to see you in the Bromance Universe!
Janalyn Robnett
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Excerpt from Book 1 of "The Solitary And The Mercenary"
From "The Solitary And The Mercenary" By Janalyn Robnett Copyright 2013 Registered with the Writer's Guild - West 2013
From Chapter 14: (Unedited as yet, so any grammatical or spelling mistakes here are mine. Also, I spell 'magick' here with a 'k' at the end to distinguish it from the sleight-oh-hand stage show magic. -J.R.-)
Gaelin came up to them with Perry at his heels. "There's bodies everywhere, boss," He was as worried as all of them. "I have no idea if Kylan is among them. It looks like only students were hit. Kids, boss," Gaelin choked on the words. "Just young boys and girls. Couldn't be any more than fourteen if they're a day. Some older. Whoever did this, " he shook his head, grimacing, unable to finish his thought.
"Damn Society bastards," Lance said and pulled his plasma rifle forward, sliding a shot into its chamber. "We find Kylan. Now." He took off, not waiting for Blake to give the word.
Blake was terrified of what they would find, but he forced himself to put one foot in front of the other. "You heard the man. Let's find our Spryte."
Gaelin and Perry exchanged glances and fell into step beside Blake who kept his head ramrod straight, his eyes directly ahead. He ignored the burned out walls, the still flaming wooden areas. He ignored the blaster marks, the grenade craters black as night. He ignored the ripped up bodies of the young people around them, killed simply because they were mages.
"Would they have fought back with their magick?" Perry asked, uncertain, but more disbelieving than anything. He was a gentle soul and would do whatever he needed to do to get his feelings under control.
"The Orders teach peaceful methods, never to use their magick unless warranted. These young people probably thought they were obeying their vows by not letting loose their energies," Blake explained.
"Would Kylan have kept his vows?"
"After what happened on Ascar Nem," Gaelin said, shaking his head. "I doubt he would ever want to kill with his magick again."
"I hope for all our sakes you're wrong about that, G." Blake said, not looking at him. "As much as it pains me to say it, I truly hope you are."
Gaelin lowered his head. "Yeah. Me, too," he agreed.
But Blake knew Kylan had not used his magick. If he had, his Solitary power would have kept this massacre from happening. Blake stopped dead in his tracks when he almost stepped on a young woman's body, her mid-section blown out by a blaster bolt at close range. He stared at her face and almost wept. "Look at her," he choked. "Look at her face."
Gaelin and Perry did so. Lance was getting farther and farther away from them, but Blake could not tear his eyes from the young woman's face.
"What is it, boss?" Gaelin asked. "What do you see? They didn't do anything to her face."
"I doubt seriously they could," Blake said. He squatted down and brushed the woman's strawberry blonde hair from her open, green eyes. She looked so… peaceful. There was not a hint of surprise or pain or anger or hatred on that beautiful face. She had been a pudgy girl, the double-chin and rounded cheeks and pudgy fingers indicating she liked her food. But that look of peace on her face, it ripped at Blake's soul. "She would have made Adept," he said. And he wondered if Kylan knew her. "Such peace," he muttered, unable to believe that in the midst of being killed so criminally and violently there was a look of release on her face.
Perry put a hand to Blake's shoulders and squeezed. "At least she took back what power she could before the blast took her away."
Blake nodded.
Gaelin took off his coat to cover her head when Blake stood and stopped him. "No," he said. "Leave her be. That look on her face has actually given me hope for the mages. Even in her death she is sending a message. Don't touch her face."
Gaelin put his coat back on. "Right, boss."
A shrill cry split the air. Blake knew the sound of that voice. He turned to the monastery only to see Lance turn to him and point within its burned out walls. "KYLAN!"
Blake pulled his blaster and started after Lance, but he felt like he was moving so damn slow, as though a strong wind swept up to push him back. He pushed against the feeling, ordering his legs to move, to run.
The cry came again, one of agony. Kylan was being tortured.
From Chapter 14: (Unedited as yet, so any grammatical or spelling mistakes here are mine. Also, I spell 'magick' here with a 'k' at the end to distinguish it from the sleight-oh-hand stage show magic. -J.R.-)
Gaelin came up to them with Perry at his heels. "There's bodies everywhere, boss," He was as worried as all of them. "I have no idea if Kylan is among them. It looks like only students were hit. Kids, boss," Gaelin choked on the words. "Just young boys and girls. Couldn't be any more than fourteen if they're a day. Some older. Whoever did this, " he shook his head, grimacing, unable to finish his thought.
"Damn Society bastards," Lance said and pulled his plasma rifle forward, sliding a shot into its chamber. "We find Kylan. Now." He took off, not waiting for Blake to give the word.
Blake was terrified of what they would find, but he forced himself to put one foot in front of the other. "You heard the man. Let's find our Spryte."
Gaelin and Perry exchanged glances and fell into step beside Blake who kept his head ramrod straight, his eyes directly ahead. He ignored the burned out walls, the still flaming wooden areas. He ignored the blaster marks, the grenade craters black as night. He ignored the ripped up bodies of the young people around them, killed simply because they were mages.
"Would they have fought back with their magick?" Perry asked, uncertain, but more disbelieving than anything. He was a gentle soul and would do whatever he needed to do to get his feelings under control.
"The Orders teach peaceful methods, never to use their magick unless warranted. These young people probably thought they were obeying their vows by not letting loose their energies," Blake explained.
"Would Kylan have kept his vows?"
"After what happened on Ascar Nem," Gaelin said, shaking his head. "I doubt he would ever want to kill with his magick again."
"I hope for all our sakes you're wrong about that, G." Blake said, not looking at him. "As much as it pains me to say it, I truly hope you are."
Gaelin lowered his head. "Yeah. Me, too," he agreed.
But Blake knew Kylan had not used his magick. If he had, his Solitary power would have kept this massacre from happening. Blake stopped dead in his tracks when he almost stepped on a young woman's body, her mid-section blown out by a blaster bolt at close range. He stared at her face and almost wept. "Look at her," he choked. "Look at her face."
Gaelin and Perry did so. Lance was getting farther and farther away from them, but Blake could not tear his eyes from the young woman's face.
"What is it, boss?" Gaelin asked. "What do you see? They didn't do anything to her face."
"I doubt seriously they could," Blake said. He squatted down and brushed the woman's strawberry blonde hair from her open, green eyes. She looked so… peaceful. There was not a hint of surprise or pain or anger or hatred on that beautiful face. She had been a pudgy girl, the double-chin and rounded cheeks and pudgy fingers indicating she liked her food. But that look of peace on her face, it ripped at Blake's soul. "She would have made Adept," he said. And he wondered if Kylan knew her. "Such peace," he muttered, unable to believe that in the midst of being killed so criminally and violently there was a look of release on her face.
Perry put a hand to Blake's shoulders and squeezed. "At least she took back what power she could before the blast took her away."
Blake nodded.
Gaelin took off his coat to cover her head when Blake stood and stopped him. "No," he said. "Leave her be. That look on her face has actually given me hope for the mages. Even in her death she is sending a message. Don't touch her face."
Gaelin put his coat back on. "Right, boss."
A shrill cry split the air. Blake knew the sound of that voice. He turned to the monastery only to see Lance turn to him and point within its burned out walls. "KYLAN!"
Blake pulled his blaster and started after Lance, but he felt like he was moving so damn slow, as though a strong wind swept up to push him back. He pushed against the feeling, ordering his legs to move, to run.
The cry came again, one of agony. Kylan was being tortured.
Friday, September 6, 2013
Hello to my fellow Bromance lovers out there!
I began writing at the age of 12 and little did I know that what I was writing was what would later be termed 'Bromance'. In the 70's we had very few areas to really immerse ourselves into fandoms, especially at that age in the area I lived. I basically cut my teeth on buddy-stories, beginning with a fan-fiction for Emergency! between Roy Desoto and John Gage, my favorite buddy show at the time. And then came Starsky and Hutch (and anyone who knows anything about Starsky and Hutch will know what I'm talking about as far as Bromance. Those two possibly blew the lid off the entire buddy-love area. If you don't know and are interested watch season 1 especially. You'll be hooked as I was. :D)
So, as I wrote, out in the boonies of Oklahoma (yes, I was waaaayyyy outside the area of influence regarding fandoms), I thought I was alone in this love of male bonding stories. Until in 1996 I discovered the Internet and a world of what was known as 'hurt/comfort' stories. I became involved in a fandom called the 'Iolausians' based on the Iolaus character of the 'Hercules: The Legendary Journeys' TV show. My net name became White Raven and history was made, well... at least as far as my getting my writing in gear. :D
Years went on and I got involved with Slash under the name of Heart Quest. Mostly within the Magnificent Seven TV series (Chris and Vin being both the General buddy's of the time and then taken a step further.)
I then resigned from fan-fiction in 2007 in order to pursue original fiction. My stories were centered in the Gay Male arena and then as the years went on, I recently found "Merlin". Disillusioned with the Slash angle of male-bonding, I decided it wasn't for me as a writer and with the onset of watching "Merlin" and having my heart ripped out at the end of that series I chose to head back to my old stomping grounds: Hurt/Comfort/Buddy stories... or as they call it now: "Bromance".
The inspiration that "Merlin" pulled out of me is something I haven't felt in a long time. I have an idea for a space-opera that the Merlin cast inspired and I chose to run with it, using them as models. At least that's how it started out. It's now begun to take on a life of its own and the outline for the first book is completed and it only took a little over a month to get the outline on paper. Obviously, as you can tell, I haven't had this much fun writing in years.
My goal for this book is to release it on Kindle by April of 2014, if not before. I have an editor lined up and just need to find someone to do the cover. I'm working on the second book's outline as of this moment and hope to have the final scene outlined before the end of 2013. This story is meant to be told. It's pouring out of me like I'm dictating from somewhere in the cosmos. As 'spacey' as that sounds, it's the closest I can come to describing the impact it's having on my creativity.
I have a Facebook page with visual aids posted if you are interested in learning more about this story and where I'm heading with it: Janalyn - Bromance to the nth degree.
I make no apologies for male love between straight men. It's out there. There's an audience for it. I'm hitting the ground running. As I said; blame "Merlin".
Please feel free to follow and post questions, share the Bromance fandoms you enjoy and links. I'm always open to receiving new inspirational visual aids in this area. :D
Until next time for another update, take care and happy reading!
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