Greetings, FT's! (Fellow Travelers)
The first volume of my "The Solitary And The Mercenary" story is COMPLETED! I'm giving it a final read-through before sending it onto the beta reader then the editor, then we obtain the cover, then we format it for Amazon's Paperback option as well as Kindle. And with the Paperback option, I will be obtaining the Expanded Distribution, meaning it will hit Europe and the UK as well as, hopefully, a few copies on the Barnes and Noble bookshelves. :D
The final read-through is revealing some minor typos and inconsistencies I need to address as well as clothing descriptions to flesh out, but other than that, the actual story/plot aspect is DONE! I began on July 23, 2013 and ended it on December 29, 2013. 5 months and 6 days of hard work culminating in a book of 34 chapters, a Prologue, an Epilogue and hopefully an entertaining Bromance/Space-Opera story that focuses on the relationships within the plot, not just the plot itself.
One of my pet peeves of many shows is that the writers focus on the mechanics of the plot line rather than how the plot affects the characters of the show. Very rarely will I find a balance of both. Or, even more desirable, an emphasis on the actual relationship vs. plot.
When a plot moves the characters along, you've got a great story. When the characters move the plot along, you've got a ho-hum story. I'm hoping mine is in the first category. :D
Blake and Kylan are the main focus here, brothers in spirit with Blake being the oldest by about 6 years. Kylan is a mage, born within a magical household, growing up with major responsibilities as a young child that matured him far beyond his physical age, so his spirit is calmer, peaceful, compassionate. He had to learn at a young age that just because you have magick, you have to take care in how it affects others. Blake is an orphan who got to know Kylan and his family through Kylan's older brother, Lance (Short for Lancer) when they met in the military academy. Lance and Blake are about the same age, and both adore Kylan and Kylan adores them. No one being at each others throats in this story, well... not much at least. LOL! I'm sort of tired of seeing that happen all the time between brothers. There's no balance there, too much conflict and not enough real honest to goodness bonding. Sometimes you just get tired of the negativity and need some 'warm fuzzies' to get you through the story. Not that my story is full of mushy, but it does have some definite soul-connecting between the three boys and the friends around them. Sometimes you just need to clear the crap away and make room for some solidarity and grounding.
I hope this story will touch your heart as well as entertain and put a smile on your face, maybe cause you to shed a few tears (I'm a sucker for a tear-jerker. Merlin's final episode broke my heart, but in such a bitter-sweet way.)
So, with that being said, lots of things to do still, working on the second book beginning this week, even though I'm already close to 40,000 words into it. I need to really finish it up and move it along to that goal of a July release. :D
Things are happening, I've determined to teach myself Wicca and Science of Mind, to become a true practitioner of the Craft, and will be posting vids to share what I learn. Not to teach... just to share. I'll give you all information on that as it begins. I have had some great insights recently, cleaning out the spirit house and making way for new epiphanies and pathworking. Feel free to join me if these areas of spirituality are possibly something you'd be interested in communicating about. I'm always open to insights from others, as I find myself too narrow in my thinking. I need to expand my horizons. :D Maybe you all can help me with that. So, no teaching, just sharing points of view, insights, a-ha!moments and things like that.
That's all for now. Please subscribe to my blog here or my FB page at: to learn more about the story and this incredible journey. Thank you! :D
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